For access to your online cell line authentication test results and data, please click the "IdentiLink Results Portal" button below and enter your user name and password in the new webpage that opens. If you encounter any problems, please review the common troubleshooting options below or use the "Contact Us" form for more help.
If you are having trouble logging into the results portal – see if your problem is addressed below as this may be the quickest resolution for you. If not, please call Labcorp's Cell Line testing division at 1-800-433-6848, Option #4 (or 513-985-9777 international) or use the "Contact Us" tab.
The password is case sensitive, check to make sure the CAPS lock is not on and try again. Also, the original password supplied by Labcorp was TEMPORARY, you would have been prompted to change the password at the first log in - use the new password for continued access (the new password needs to have one lower case letter, one upper case letter, a symbol, and there is a max character limit). If this does not work, Labcorp can re-set your password (the system will lock you out if you input three incorrect passwords) – Use the "Contact Us" tab (or 1-800-433-6848, Option #4).
Identilink will archive your cases 10 days following sign out, to find a specific case number, click "Case Search" using the tabs at the top, then choose "Labcorp Case Number" (NOT "Case Reference Number") - enter your 9 digit case number (no dashes), and then hit "search". If you don't know your case number or it still doesn't work, please contact us at 1-800-433-6848, Option #4 (or 513-985-9777 INTL) or use the "Contact Us" tab to help solve this issue.
You have the option to change your password at any time once you log into the portal. If you have lost your password, please use the "Contact Us" tab and we will reset it for you.
The following databases are useful and FREE resources that are available to compare your Labcorp STR DNA profile results to known reference cell line STR DNA profiles provided by cell line repositories and other researchers.
Please be aware that each online cell line reference database uses their own calculations to determine the percentage "match"; please ask your Labcorp representative for more information on the calculations Labcorp uses for comparing human cell lines to the known reference STR DNA profiles.
Cellosaurus Sample Database - Free Searchable Database for All Cell Lines
Cellosaurus STR Database - Free Searchable STR Database for Human and Mouse Cell Lines
ATCC STR Cell Line Reference Database (log in required)